Ship Kubernetes Faster


Moondog Engine

Get back to shipping faster with Revelry’s Moondog Engine

Quickly install, setup, deploy, run, and manage multiple Kubernetes clusters with ease.

Get Moondog Engine

  • Regain Speed

    Minimal configuration, maximum performance and productivity

  • Eliminate Decisions

    A complete system of hand-selected Open Source services and operators

  • Maintain Consistency

    Ensure multiple clusters run on a common toolchain

  • Avoid Vendor Lock-in

    Open Source to the core

Moondog Engine

With Moondog Engine, you can one-click-install Kubernetes to the cloud. Not only are we open sourcing Moondog Engine, but we’re also bundling it with dozens of pre-configured third-party libraries — all hand-picked by our experienced team of developers.


Certificate Management

Automate the management and issuance of your TLS and SSL certificates. Keep your certs valid, up-to-date, and renewed before expiry.

Identity & Authentication

Integrate your existing authentication management solution(s) into Kubernetes via OpenID Connect.


Configuration as code – ensure consistent state of clusters by using git. Enable rollbacks by git tags. Deploy changes via Pull Request.

Database Management

Add native database management and hosting to Kubernetes – multiple database platforms, schedule backups, support logs, enable encryption, provision for performance.

Log Aggregation

Scalable, highly-available, cost-effective logging

Image Management

Self-hosted, private registry and administration for container images

Moondog Managed Services

We offer security & compliance, managed operations, and cost optimization for your Kubernetes clusters.